The information contained on all pages of this website are for informational purposes only. All data/calculations are believed to be accurate.
Hi all — Thanks for the visit to, where for now you can find data on
Keno from the Massachusetts State Lottery (more games to follow). Click the “Mass Keno” link above to
view the count of numbers on a daily basis (with monthly roll up) along with Keno Bonus info.
I started with Mass Keno as it is probably the Mass State Lottery’s most popular game. In addition, it’s a
pet peeve of mine when I hear people say things like:
“The number (insert any number 1 through 80) comes up all the time.”
“There is a super computer in the background throwing out the 20 numbers that will give the least payout.”
“The 10x never gets selected.”
“Certain combinations of numbers always come up at a certain time of day.”
Nope, nope, nope and nope. The results of generating lots of random numbers can include what looks to
be unusual patterns or outliers, or numbers that are perceived by individuals to appear more often than they
should, but at the end of the day it’s just randomness at work.
While I think this data will be interesting to some, it is useful to none. A review of historical lottery data
can not be used to determine future lottery outcomes!